Most people believe that if their vehicle is totaled or stolen, their primary auto insurance will pay off their loan balance in full, which is not always the case. Your insurance carrier usually will pay only the actual cash value (current market value) of your vehicle at the time of loss, less your deductible. The amount could be substantially less than your APL FCU loan balance.
How GAP Works
- One-time cost of just $425, which is less than half what most dealers charge
- Protect the difference between the primary insurance settlement and the balance remaining on the loan.
- Cost can be rolled right into your vehicle loan.
Original loan amount financed at APL FCU
Loan balance at the time of loss
Your primary insurance company's settlement, less deductible
Remaining loan balance
The total you owe with GAP coverage to pay off your loan is*
$ 0
* Please see a credit union representative for specific details about GAP features, benefits and any exclusions that may apply.